Clarity, Ease and More Impact - Through Sustainable Donor Relationships

Let's make the world a little more just, humane, and beautiful through fundraising!

Let's make the world a little more just, humane, and beautiful through fundraising!

Does this Sound Familiar?

You tend to generate short-term donor relationships that are expensive to manage and don’t encourage donor engagement, loyalty or trust.

You build long-term relationship with your donors because they know you’re making a difference together and are therefore happy to donate.

Your donors are often not addressed personally or consistently due to a lack of time and resources.

Your donors are attracted to your kind, appreciative communication and feel understood, which motivates them to donate more.

You find it difficult to address your donors in a tailored way and to retain them.

You understand the needs of your donors and know how to respond to them.

Ihr tut euch schwer, eure Spender:innen maßgeschneidert anzusprechen und langfristig an eure Organisation zu binden.

Ihr kennt die Bedürfnisse eurer Spender:innen und wisst, wie ihr auf sie eingehen könnt, ohne euch zu verstellen.

Known from:

I love developing new ideas, sharing my experience, and learning new things. My passionate work has been featured in some international media – especially in Europe and North America – as a lecturer, speaker and blog author. In 2020, I was recognized as an “Exceptional Women” for making equity a cornerstone of the “Relationships are Everything” conference I hosted. 

Feeling seen and valued - research-based and centered on equity!!

Are you an organization that values progressive change? Does your mission involve treating people, animals and the environment with respect? Do you enjoy learning and showing up as your full self? Would you like to work with an experienced fundraiser?

Then relationship fundraising is right for you!

"But Julie, what exactly is relationship fundraising?"

This approach prioritizes regular interactions, personalized requests, and experiences that strengthen the donor-organization bond. The goal is to foster trust, engagement, and mutual appreciation over time, leading to increased donor retention and larger contributions.

High satisfaction!

Developing your donor relationship:

Diese Werte prägen die Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Clients:

Wertschätzung als Grundhaltung

Schutz von Tier und Umwelt

Menschen und Ideen verbinden

Ressourcen besser nutze

Gerechtigkeit und Inklusion

Liebe zu schönen Dingen

Hinterfragen, um dazuzulernen

In 6 steps more clarity, ease and impact

It is important to me that you achieve your individual goal, are enthusiastic about the result, and feel motivated. To make this happen, I have developed a process that is based on my experience and ensures that we efficiently work together with fun while centering equity.

Getting to know each other: Get-to-know-you session (20 min) to see if and how we can work together on a personal and professional level.

Initial consultation call: We decide on a free consultation (90 min) to better understand your situation.

Your individual plan: I will write you an offer and recommend one of my relationship fundraising packages that suits you.

Onboarding + Milestones: We start our cooperation with all participants and define responsibilities. At carefully chosen points, we review the results to date and optimize.

Goal achieved: We conclude our great cooperation with a good feeling and celebrate the results we have achieved together.

Ziel erreicht: Wir schließen unsere tolle Zusammenarbeit mit einem guten Gefühl ab und feiern uns für die gemeinsam erreichten Resultate.

Lasst uns eure Spender:innen durch Beziehungsfundraising

Ich begleite eure Organisation wissenschaftlich-empathisch dabei, die Welt besser zu machen.

In einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch sprechen wir gemeinsam über Ziele.